
From the perspective of young individuals who understand the potential of this geographical area, we envision the Montaña Palentina as the perfect stage to create unique and memorable experiences.

Our goal is to showcase the natural resources, local communities, heritage, and more through sustainable activities that are committed to conserving the flora and fauna of the region.

Ultimately, we aspire to become the leading adventure company in the entire province of Palencia. We aim to offer a distinctive business model that is dedicated to sustainable tourism, while also creating value, particularly in rural and depopulated areas.


Our mission is to inspire and motivate people to spend more time in nature engaging in adventurous activities.

Simultaneously, we aim to foster environmental care and conservation.

We strive to promote sports and leisure in natural environments, while propelling Palencia and its northern region towards becoming a high-quality tourist destination.

Our aim is to provide opportunities for nature-based activities, free from overcrowding and overexploitation.

Furthermore, we aim to diversify tourism beyond seasonal patterns by offering activities throughout the year.

Ultimately, our mission is to surpass the expectations of our customers.

Join us in exploring the Montaña Palentina and embark on an unforgettable adventure!

mision vision aventurapalentina